


The basic methodology of this absolutely safe process is explained with its scientific principle here. As this method involves first the modification of diet and second the perfect timing of intercourse, each is explained in simple terms below:

MODIFICATION OF DIET (Ionic Equilibrium)

According to the research by Jacques and Stolwoski, the diet of the woman has total and drastic effect on the sex of the child to be conceived. This was based on the study that the pellucid membrane which surrounds the ova (EGG) has certain receptor sites on which the sperms bind and may fertilize the ova. The ratio of Sodium, Potassium / Calcium, Magnesium has an effect on the molecular biology of the receptor sites. This effect is termed as Allosteric Modification which causes specific changes in the membrane compound. These changes in the receptor sites effect the selective attraction towards X sperms or Y sperms, due to variation in the intensity of potentialities on the sperms of both kinds.

To simplify the matter :

  • If a woman is given a high calcium, high magnesium, low sodium, low potassium diet for a period of 6 to 8 weeks prior to conception, her receptor sites on the ova shall attract only the X sperms and repel the Y sperms, resulting in a conception of a female child.
  • To reverse the matter , if a woman is given a high sodium, high potassium, low calcium, low magnesium diet for 6 to 8 weeks prior to conception she will attract only the Y sperms and repel the X sperms , resulting into conceiving a male child.
  • This theory explains that though the Probabality of X and Y Sperms to fertilize the egg would be 50-50, Resulting in universal 50-50 Boy-Girl conception ratio, The actual ratio is 96-4 which meanse 96% couples keep on getting children of the same Sex.




Though the timing protocol has got not much of a success rate only by itself, combining it with the the diet method is our protocol. This is based on the fact that Y sperms are lighter and they swim faster than the heavier X sperms. So the patient is given intructions for the excat timing of intercourse depending upon the day of ovulation.

This method also helps in catching cases of subfertility due to ovulation disorders and hastens up the treatment schedule of sex selection.


The method is totally natural and based on the subtle changes in the woman's diet and thus there are no side effects at all. Even if the patient takes it for a very long time, especially in cases of secondary infertility there are no short term or long term effects on the mother or the baby.

As we are not doing anything artificial or against the natural pathway of Reproduction, there is absolutely no chance of any abnormality happening to the baby.

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