
Start Therapy


As it is a very customised treatment, The patient should know here that it is NOT an 'one size fits all` kind of diet. The diet has to be planned out specifically for each patient depending upon some details about the patient. The patient needs to see us 2 months before she wants to conceive. We need to see the patient once a month till conception, after which the patient can follow up with her own gynaecologist till delivery. Even if due to some reason, the patient cannot come personally due to unavoidable circumstances, the patient's husband can come down with the required details.

Data Required from Patient :

  • Blood Test
    (a) Serum Sodium, Serum Potassium ( for male child )
    (b) Serum Calcium,Serum Magnesium ( for female child )
  • Blood pressure recording
  • Weight
  • Date of last menses

After We have the database of our patient, based upon the specific individual parameters, a customized diet is charted out for her. This diet has to be supplemented by additional nutritional supplement. The patient has to be on the diet and supplement till she conceives. But the diet and the supplement take at least 6 to 8 weeks to act on the ovaries. So starting from the onset of the diet, contraception has to be used till the patient finishes her first two menses. After that she enters what is refered to as the target cycle (the cycle in which she is supposed to conceive). In the target cycle she is supposed to have intercourse on certain specific days depending upon her individual plan of action chart. The exact time has to charted out which is variable in all patients.

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